Advertisement For Bids
Here you will find various project advertisements for bids. If you have any questions, please contact the person listed in the advertisement. If you would like to know more about the projects Bootheel Regional Planning Commission has going on, please reach out to us at the contact information listed below.
Sealed bids for the Cheryl A. Jones’ Estates Subdivision Development will be received at the office of Lambert Engineering & Surveying, LLC at 125 North New Madrid Street in Sikeston, New Madrid County, Missouri, until 2:00 p.m. CST on Thursday of May 23, 2024, and then at said office be publicly opened and read aloud. The improvements will consist of street, domestic water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements and appurtenances.
The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bonds, and other contract documents may be examined at the office of the Engineer, Lambert Engineering & Surveying, 125 North New Madrid Street, Sikeston, Missouri, and may there be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $50.00.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. There will be one contract awarded for the project.
Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Notice to Bidders.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening, thereof.
Bootheel Counseling Services, Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer.
David Terrell, Executive Director
Bootheel Counseling Services, Inc.
(the OWNER)